The Autumn Leaves
The leaves in New England were terrific this year. Returning from my annual writer’s retreat in Maine with my wo-mentor poet Elizabeth McKim, I reflect on the turning of the leaves. It is hypnotic; they let go and blaze with color. I found sixty different colors in the leaves! So delightful and satisfying for the eye!
The High of the Alps: five reasons to come study with me at EGS
After two years of teaching for the European Graduate School online, ( I was delighted to return as a professor to the campus in Saas Fee, Switzerland this year. I encourage you to join me. Why go to all that effort and expense Here are four reasons: Students study with top educators in the “polyaesthetic, decentering” method
Cultural Creatives: Are You One?
Who is a Cultural Creative? Most expressive arts practitioners are, but what does that mean? Cultural creatives are not floating along with the mainstream. In some important ways they are making lives that divert from the standard values and attitudes of middle America, although they may also share many ideas, ethics and standards with their neighbors. This
A Saas Fee of the Mind: Using Art to Make Real Community in the Virtual Landscape
Judith Greer Essex, Ph.D. Founding Director, Expressive Arts Institute As summer warms here in Southern California the institute faculty would normally be returning from European Graduate School, after teaching summer school with our colleagues to students from around the globe. Instead we held EGS online for the second time, and though I missed the Alps, I am thrilled by
April 2021: It’s Spring, and the Green Goes Over and Over…
Spring enters with her 10,000 shades of green, and sweeps away the winter chill and last summer's browns. BY:Judith Greer Essex Ph.D. LMFT, ADTR, REAT Founding Director, Expressive Arts Institute The Green Goes Over and Over It is irrepressible. The daffodils come springing out, green shoots and leaf buds appear overnight. I want to forestall spring and let winter’s cool
So You Want to Become an Expressive Arts Therapist or Coach? Here’s how to begin.
I can’t blame you. For 40 years I have had the best seat in the house. I witness people unfold, come alive again, heal and grow through the arts. It’s the most satisfying job in the world. Helping people by making art and making a difference, what could be better than that? What is Expressive Arts Therapy? Expressive Arts